Máte .net ale nemáte .com? – příběh pokračuje

Nedávno jsem psál o nabídce jedné .com domény od někoho kdo si všiml, že mám zaregistrovanou jinou verzi. Jelikož jsem dal doménu monitorovat pomocí jedné ze služeb godaddy (dostal jsem 100 monitorování jako balíček k něčemu zdarma), mohl jsem sledovat co se s ní postupem času děje. Docela mě dostalo, že po několika urgencí, aby jsem jí nepropásl, najednou doména byla volná. Rychle jsem jí teda zaregistroval (5 minut jsme někde hledal slevoví kód, aby jsem měl .com doménu za cca 7 USD). Jelikož mi hodně z vás psalo o emaily, které jsem dostal tak, jsem se rozhodl je zde zveřejnit + Godaddy DomainAlert®. Jsou pod čarou:


Godaddy DomainAlert®

We have noted that the following changes occurred between 06/14/2008 and 06/15/2008:

The domain status has been changed:
OLD: redemptionPeriod
NEW: pendingDelete


Godaddy DomainAlert®

We have noted that the following changes occurred between 06/19/2008 and 06/20/2008:

The registrar has been changed:



Recently, kalifornie.com expired and went into a
domain name auction. We acquired it and, since you
own the .net version of this domain name, we
wanted to provide you with the opportunity to own the
preferred .com version.

Our company specializes in recovering preferred expiring
domains and either selling them to individuals such as
yourself or building out our own web presence on those
valuable domains.

kalifornie.com is a pretty darn good domain name and,
the truth is, the .COM is a far stronger version of the
name than the .NET is.

* .Com is the strongest brand on the internet.
When people think of a website, they intuitively
think ‘.com’. Odds are people trying to get to
your website are inadvertently going to kalifornie.com
because they assume that’s where they can find you.

* .Com conveys Professionalism that .net & .org
cannot match.

If you’d like to own kalifornie.com, you can buy it
now by covering our acquisition costs and a modest profit.

If you have any interest I encourage you to act quickly
because this domain name will only be offered for sale
for a limited time.


Kliknul jsme na odkaz, protože mě zajímala cena. Bylo to tuším 557 USD. Nevšiml jsem si že zpráva měla v sobě ID. Takže si to zaznamenali



Earlier today I emailed you about the domain name kalifornie.com,
but I forgot to mention something at the time…

If you decide to buy the .com version of your domain name, you don’t actually
have to rebuild a brand new website to get great value from the kalifornie.com
domain name.

What many people do is simply forward the .com domain to your existing
site. If you do this, whenever anyone goes to kalifornie.com they
end up on your current website.

Forwarding the .com to your existing website is super simple and takes less
than two minutes to set up (we’re happy to help with this if necessary).
To grab this domain while it’s still available, you can buy it online
at: kalifornie.com or by phone by calling 1-563-823-4644.

Ken Palm


Godaddy DomainAlert®

We have noted that the following changes occurred between 06/23/2008 and 06/24/2008:

The registrar has been changed:



A couple of days ago I emailed you about the domain name
kalifornie.com . Since you own the .net or .org version of
the domain, I thought you’d want the preferred ‘.com’ version.

If you’re interested, please let me know or use the secure link
below to buy the domain as soon as possible otherwise I’ll make
other plans with the domain.

Here’s the Secure Link:


Also, Here’s the email I sent you a couple of days ago
in case you missed it….

* Pokčavoání viz předchozí email.



kalifornie.com was previously priced at $557, but as
part of a very limited marketing test, I’ve decided to
discount our inventory of domain names for just 24 hours.

How big of a discount?

Up to $300.

That’s a huge savings.

But, You do have to act right away though… because
this offer is only good for the next 24 hours.

Here’s the Secure Link: Click Here For Your Special
Pricing On kalifornie.com


Godaddy DomainAlert®

We have noted that the following changes occurred between 06/28/2008 and 06/29/2008:

The domain expiration date has been changed:
OLD: 24-jun-2009
NEW: 28-jun-

The domain status has been changed:
OLD: ok
NEW: clientDeleteProhibited



Over the last week, I’ve contacted you a few times
about kalifornie.com. Based upon the fact you’ve
looked at the order page, it seems like you are
interested in this domain.

What’s holding you back?

Is it the price?

If you want kalifornie.com but just don’t think it’s
worth what we’re asking, I’d like to invite you
to submit an offer. You tell me what you think is
a fair price. If we can meet your price, we will
and you can finally secure this domain.

To make an offer go to the offer page below and
submit the price you’re willing to pay. If it’s a
fair price, it’ll likely be accepted. If so, you’ll
be immediately notified and that accepted price
will be available to you for two hours.

Make your offer now.


Godaddy DomainAlert®

We have noted that the following changes occurred between 06/29/2008 and 06/30/2008:

The registrar has been changed:


V tento okamži okamžitě registruju.


Godaddy DomainAlert®

Congratulations! Your registration request for the domain name(s) below was successful:



Takže ponaučení? Nejevit zájem se občas vyplácí.

Jak bude reklama vypadat?
Kup si reklamu navždy pod tímto článkem jen za 100 Kč
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6 Replies to “Máte .net ale nemáte .com? – příběh pokračuje”

  1. Nekdy se vyplati, ale na to bych nespolehal. Jsou firmy, ktere berou i ceske .com bez toho aby vedely, co znamenaji a k cemu vlastne jsou dobre. Pokud jde o zajimavou domenu, je lepsi tech $200 zaplatit a mit jistotu.

  2. Skvělá investigativní práce, Drago. Tušíš, proč si to přehodili 24.6. z BearTrapDomains na Vibrant Networks? Kvůli prodloužení tasting period?

  3. preved tu domenu na znameho a napis jim, ze mas zajem

    a hned bude mit story pokracovani :)

  4. To Retal: To netuším jeslti mají něco společného. BEARTRAPDOMAINS je anonymní. Ta druhá společnost vypadá dost oficiálně. Něco málo se o nich probíralo i na namepros. Někdo je zmínil jako největší domain tastery.

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